Sunday, 20 July 2014


Hey Guys, as some of you might know.. I have an obession with Glee. Yes I am a Gleek and no I am not ashmed of it. I am PROUD to be a Gleek.
Eversince I started watching Glee,my whole life changed.. I saw life in a completely different way!
Glee has helped me express my feelings in song than in words.. Glee has also taught me to NEVER judge people just by their race,sexuality and personality. Glee has also inspired me to perform.. Yes Glee inspired me to perform.. And not to let others stop me.
Glee has guided me through all my tough moments..
But,when Cory Monteith aka Finn Hudson passed... I stopped watching Glee for 3 months cause I couldn't accept the fact that He had passed.. He was truly an amazing person.
He will forever be missed.. It had been a year since he passed,I miss his simle,and I truly miss him.. I miss Cory alot.. He taught the kids at WMHS that Its okayy if you're a Jock and You're in Glee Club!
When he passed,it affected the entire Glee family..It was so sad that when I heard the news I went home and Cried for 3 hours...
Lea Michelle was so upset when he passed that 7 days after he passed she made a song called 7 Days.
Its was a shock to the world that he passed.
Even in the episode 'The Quarterback" you can see that everybody so emotional during that episode.
Everybody who sang during that episode broke down in tears..
Even I did too while I was watching that episode. I felt so sorry to Lea aka Rachel cause it Hurt her the most to loose him.
I wish he would come back.. Glee is different without Finn.
You Will ALWAYs be missed Cory Monteith aka Finn Hudson. Rest In Peace
Cory Monteith
May 11 1982-July 13 2013

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